"Let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure." ~Albus Dumbledore
"The definition of adventure is outcome unknown" ~Mr. Hewlett

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Super Swing

Meet Jason Gaastra. He is The Man. The son of our district president, he is an arborist (tree doctor) by profession, and was also one of our EFY counsellors this summer. He and his dad saw the massive trees in our back yard, and decided that they were gonna build a 'Super Swing'.

I'd like to say we were all very helpful, and that he couldn't have done it without us, but to be honest we pretty much spent the whole day messing around with his spare equipment...
And yes, that's Mercy tied up in about 50ft of rope :) Who would have done such a thing, you ask? Me?! What, no! I'd never do something like that… :P

Well here's the finished product. It actually swings about 10ft higher than Mercy is in that pic… we've fixed it up since then :)
P.S We'll even let you swing free of charge if you come visit… please? :D


  1. Thanks for keeping this blog Noah. I am so proud to call you my son-
    Love, Dad

  2. Oh my goodness gracious. That swing is calling my name! I'm on my way!
