"Let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure." ~Albus Dumbledore
"The definition of adventure is outcome unknown" ~Mr. Hewlett

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Sunday Afternoon

I'm sitting above the fast whining road
Everyone's moving, they will not be slowed
I'm sitting inside the vast college dorm
Everyone's grinding, cuz that is the norm

Where is the silence? Where is the peace?
This day is for rest! Relax my friends, please!
A day to delight in fam'ly and faith
A day of respite from a blistering pace.

I know because those are the things that I felt
When today in the chapel I broke and I knelt.
Prayed for Oh God, the Eternal Father above
To remember our promises, made out of love.

Then partook of the emblems so simple and pure
And shared with my friends, enjoying this cure
Direction, confidence, forgiveness and zeal
They burn in my heart, and I know that God's real.

And so I choose to make time for my God,
I know that I'm blessed against all the odds
I'll give time to my family, to service and prayer
It's an honor do so, for I know He's there

Climbing on Monday with my friend Sam

This year's annual Waltz and Shmaltz at Wellesley

Kevin and Sydney post-shmaltzing 
My new and decorated room!

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