Yup, another injury... :D
This one happened in the last 3 minutes of our basketball game against our rival boys school. While fighting for a rebound, I got hit in the forehead with another guys elbow. However, I still managed to defend two shots so that they didn't score, and then start running down the court, where I got tripped and rolled about 10ft. It was only then that the ref called me off because the blood was running down into my eye... but don't worry, we still won by 20pts!
My mom got it all on video too, and I've just been watching it over and over, its pretty much the funniest 30 seconds of basketball I've ever played :D If I can get my computer to cooperate, maybe I'll post that as well.
Here's me when we got home after cleaning out the wound a little.

There are times when dad being an emergency doctor really come in handy. He sewed me up right there in our living room :D
Honestly though, the most painful part of the night for me was listening to his commentary as he stitched me up. It's a good thing he doesn't talk like this to his real patients!!!
Dad: "I wish I had a smaller needle to do this with."
Noah: "Whoa, that numbing stuff feels weird!"
Dad: "Oh, I could have hit a nerve. There are some really important ones around here."
Dad: "Hmm, I probably should have disinfected the needle first, hopefully this doesn't get infected!"
Dad: "Well, it's not the prettiest I've ever done, but it should hold!"
I kid you not, he actually said all those things! Anyway, turns out he did a better job than he thought, because I got the stitches out today and you can barely see the cut anymore.
Thanks again dad!!!
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