"Let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure." ~Albus Dumbledore
"The definition of adventure is outcome unknown" ~Mr. Hewlett

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Sightseeing in our Backyard

 Sunday night, we finally decided to get out and explore the area behind our house. Our landlord had told us there was a Maori pah back there (which according to Dictionary.com is "a Māori defensive position and settlement on a hilltop"), and it was promising to be an amazing sunset, so my parents, little sisters and I grabbed the cameras went out to see what we could see...
Mom was happy to be able to try on her new "gum boots"
That roof you can barely see on the right? Ya, that's our house :)

Me, helping Joycie take a picture...

My dad, taking a picture of me helping Joycie take a picture :)

We weren't really sure what we were looking for, but assumed these odd trenches are the remains of the pah.
My dad almost stepped on this pukeko bird nest, it was just a bunch of eggs hidden is some deep grass.
The mother bird itself took off way too fast for me to snap a picture, so this is a pukeko bird picture off the internet :)

 Two of my favorite pictures of the whole night, both of walking down our driveway on the way home :)

We got home, and my parents went to put the girls to bed, but I grabbed Oak, and we ran back out to catch the rest of the sunset...

It was definitely an awesome way to end a Sunday afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. Dude!! Thats so sick! hey, did you know that they're filming "The Hobbit" in New Zealand? you should go visit the places! haha :)
