"Let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure." ~Albus Dumbledore
"The definition of adventure is outcome unknown" ~Mr. Hewlett

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Pleasant Grove to Los Angeles

Our story starts on a beautiful Tuesday afternoon in Pleasant Grove, Utah...

These are the last pictures I took of our house before we drove away.
After loading all our luggage into their trailer we piled into the Session's 12 passenger van, and departed for the airport.

Danny, Dad and I took half our luggage in to be checked then came back out to gather the kids and the rest of our caravan. (Danny has a strange symptom where when he gets excited he lifts heavy objects)


 I was in charge of Joycie for this leg of the trip, which was actually really fun since she was in a good mood. She sang little songs in my ear while we hiked through the airport, and her only fussy moment was when she refused to get buckled for take-off because then she couldn't see out the window. I ended up just faking it for the flight attendant and then letting her have her way :P

We arrived safe and happy after what we knew was only the warm-up leg of our journey, and picked up our luggage to transfer onto New Zealand Airlines!!!

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