"Let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure." ~Albus Dumbledore
"The definition of adventure is outcome unknown" ~Mr. Hewlett

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Hazards of Packing

 I've decided packing is a very hazardous business. Let me show you...
Welcome to my bedroom. This was at one point our front room, and has inherent problems as  a bedroom. First of all my dad is constantly coming in at all hours of the night from work and waking me up. Also absolutely no privacy. And for someone with long shins like mine this is a mine field of pain in the dark.
Starvation. The pantry, my safe haven of food and happiness, has been violated and emptied. We have been living off of this pitiful supply of rice crispies and top ramen for way too long.

Malnutrition and Charity. I've had so much junk food in the past few weeks I'm surprised that I still fit through our front door. We have so many loving neighbors and friends that have brought us some very delicious food. I think they are secretly hoping we'll be too fat to get on the plane :)

Getting Lost. Our entire house looks like this. Is it a surprise that every time I want to go anywhere it takes 10 minutes to gather my phone, keys and siblings from the dark corners of this jungle?

The Stress. I think it's pretty obvious that we are all starting to act a little funny...

Bird's-Eye View

Hey everybody! I want to start this out by telling y'all a little about myself. If a little bird were to look in the window right now they would see:

A lanky brown-haired boy typing on the computer. He'd be wearing basketball shorts and a v-neck shirt. He'd still be sweaty from playing basketball in the backyard until it was too dark to see. If that bird could take its eyes off this attractive boy long enough to look around he would see that the house is a mess, because after putting his little sisters to bed he didn't take the time to put away the polly-pockets they had been playing with before running outside to catch the sunset. The boy would have headphones in, blasting the playlist of his favorite 30 country songs. There'd be a CTR ring on his right hand and more than likely a BYU hat on his head.

That's me from a bird's-eye view :)